NHS Organisational Diagnostics Session

organisational diagnostics session

This free, in depth half day session will help to identify how your NHS mission, vision and values translate into the desired behaviours of your team leaders and their teams.

Together we’ll identify and evaluate some key indicators of team and leader effectiveness. We’ll uncover real evidence of what’s working and what’s not, which areas need improvement, and identify actions you can take immediately to improve things.
We’ll evaluate a number of different sources of information to try and uncover what supports and helps your people to perform well, and what needs to improve so that they can perform even better.

It is essential before commencing any strategic intervention to identify the starting point and prioritise the changes needed (if any). Otherwise any movement may be taking you in the wrong direction. We want to make sure that doesn’t happen. In your confidential diagnostic session we’ll look at specific indicators which might help to identity the nature, scope and scale of any possible issue. We will discuss whichever indicative factors you feel comfortable addressing. Together we could discuss and explore some critical success factors, for example:

  • Indicators of quality of care, service outcomes, and individual performance
  • Internal and external communication
  • Service feedback, including anonymised SUIs, compliments and complaints HR metrics
  • Management Information System data
  • Indicators of staff engagement and discretionary effort

We’ll look at what is increasing, decreasing or stable and what those trends tell us about your service. Our key focus will be to address the impact on your people, and the ultimate goal is to delve deeper into anecdotal stories and uneasy feelings, and get to hard facts, evidence that can be used to define the specific, measurable outcomes needed to transform your service.

Fill out the form below to request your free NHS Organisational Diagnostic Session now or call us on 0800 840 4122.

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